Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.
— Henri Cartier-Bresson

It ain’t the damn camera.
— Tom Benson

You should never trust a monkey!

"Do you really go out in public in a hat with ears?" Hell, I base car purchases on if the ears will rub the ceiling when I am driving!

If Henri Cartier-Bresson was right, then maybe I am just about getting good. As for the other, I know that one ALL too well. Good or bad it is the monkey behind the camera. And I have over 30 years worth of being the one on the right side of the camera. I did it first because I was shy and didn't want to be in the picture. Now it is see the pic up there right? Ok then.

While taking photos I have:

  • Been hit twice by a former NFL Lineman. Knocked clean to the ground. Once in freezing rain.

  • Oh yeah, rained on. A lot.

  • Fell out of a boat. (Managed to toss the camera back into the boat while falling.)

  • Froze half to popsicle on a boat.

  • Nearly froze in lots of places actually.

  • Nearly hit by cars while photographic 'wildlife'. (read roadkill for wildlife)

  • Yelled at by a Highway Patrolman for being in said road.

  • and called all sorts of great euphemisms for ' are in my way jerk!'

I have loved every minute. Nothing like the chance that maybe just maybe you get "The Shot". You know like a baby's first step, the winning football catch, the eagle swooping in and grabbing the trout. Someone asked me on a trip once how many shots I had taken that day? 600. How many keepers will there be out of that? Maybe 10 if I am lucky and maybe ONE really good one. But man...that one really good one. The one other shooters say 'Wow you were lucky.' Or the dozens of times I have had old friends say 'You took my favorite photo of me ever!' Or the one I tried for years to get the weather, time, equipment and fate all worked out and it came out looking precisely as I imagined. Yep. I will be right there on the right side of the camera I hope.

It ain't the camera. Trust me...

Tom / HMFIC (Head MonkeyHatWearing Fool In Charge.)